Ragù bolognese

– 2 onions- 2 carrots – 1 stalk of celery
– 500g(17.64 oz) minced pork
– 300g(10.58 oz) minced beef
– 300g(10.58 oz) minced veal
– 750ml tomato puree
– 1 glass of white wine / or 1 glass of milk
– salt and pepper
1) Cut the onions, the carrots and the celery.
2) Cook at low heat the ingredients above all together in a saucepan.
3) As soon as it is browned (4-5 minutes) add all the meat (pork, beef, veal). Mix and cover with a lid. Everything is left to cook over low heat, stir occasionally (every 2-3 minutes) so that the meat does not stick to the bottom of the pan.

4) When all the meat has lost its liquids and becomes a bit dry (about 10 minutes), add salt and pepper (2 tablespoons of salt and a half of pepper). Cook for another 4-5 minutes (always with the lid on).
5) At this point add the tomato puree, mix and put the lid back on. Leave to cook slowly (as little as possible) for 2 hours, stirring occasionally.
6) Add a glass of wine or milk. With milk the sauce will be more delicate and it’s recommended for children.
7) After another 20 minutes of slow cooking, and stirring constantly, your ragù is ready.
Ragù bolognese can be used in many dishes, such as: lasagne, condiment for pasta of any kind, rice, polenta, cooked vegetables…
Buon Appetito!!
It can be dosed for several portions and placed in the freezer.