Catalan Cream

Ingredients for 4 people: - 500ml milk - 4 yolks - 100g(3.52 oz) sugar - 1 lemon zest - 1 cinnamon stick - 25g(0.88 oz) corn starch (cornstarch) - Cane sugar Preparation: 1) Pour the cornstarch into a small bowl and add a small part of the milk (make a cream) and mix with a whisk to dissolve the starch. 2) Put the rest of the milk in a saucepan on the heat and add the lemon zest (previously grated), and cinnamon stick together with 50g of sugar. Mix until the milk start to boil. 3) In another bowl put the 4 egg yolks and 50g of sugar. Beat with the whisk. Add the previously dissolved cornstarch (see ponint nr.1) and mix again. 4) When the milk starts to boil, put everything into the bowl with the egg yolks. It is mixed with a whisk and then everything is transferred to the pot where it was before there was milk and you put it on the fire, stirring constantly until you get ita smooth and creamy texture. 5) Fill 4 shallow bowls with the cream obtained and cover with plastic wrap. Put in the fridge and leave for 2 hours. 6) When serving the Catalan cream, take them out of the fridge, remove the cling film and sprinkle them all with plenty of cinnamon sugar. With a gun flamethrower melts sugar on the surface. If you don't have this flamethrower, place the bowls in the microwave or oven and operate the grill only. Exquisite if accompanied with fruit juice or sparkling wine.
Buon Appetito!!