Roll of Potatoes with Cheese and Speck

-400g (14.11 oz) of potatoes
-3 eggs
-150g (5.29 oz) of speck
-300g (10.58 oz) of sliced cheese
1) Cut the potatoes Julienne with Kenwood multione and mix them with 3 eggs and a pinch of salt.
2) Spread the dough with a spoon in a baking pan with a baking paper and cook for 20 minutes at 180°C.(A)
3) Remove from the oven and spread on top of the potatoes a layer of cheese slices and on top of the cheese a layer of speck (or ham). Roll up and place also on top of the roll other cheese and speck (or ham).(B).
4) Bake for another 15 minutes at 180°C.
5) Take the roll out of the oven and let it cool for 5 minutes.(C)
6) Cut into slices and serve in a serving dishes. They can be served both hot and cold, both as an appetizer or as a second course.

Buon Appetito!!