Tortellini Bolognesi in brodo

Tortellini Bolognesi in brodo

Ingredients for the filling:

-200g(7.05 oz) of veal (alternatively 100g(3.52 oz) of veal + 100g(3.52 oz) of chicken breast)

-100g(3.52 oz) of pork loin

-100g(3.52 oz) bacon without bone

-1 egg

-100g(3.52 oz) Parmesan cheese

-salt and pepper

-a pinch of nutmeg

Ingredients for the pastry:
-4 eggs
-380g flour

1) Cut all the meat into cubes then put it in a pan. Cook for 4/5 minutes until the meat lightens. Add salt and pepper. Do not cook too much, it must have some cooking liquid.
Leave to cool for a few minutes.

Ripieno tortellini
Stuffed tortellini
Ripieno tagliato
Stuffed tagliato
Riepino freddo
Stuffed freddo
2) Put the cooked meat in the mixer, add 1 egg and the Parmesan cheese and blend for a few minutes until everything becomes homogeneous.
Tritto tutto
Palla di ripieno
Ball of stuffed
3) Let's start making the dough. Mix the flour and eggs with a fork, then knead with your hands and make a large ball which you then flatten. With a rolling pin, roll out the dough (very thin). They cut out small squares which will then be closed on themselves with the filling inside.
Impasto di sfoglia e ripieno
make tortellini
make tortellini
Tortellini pronti
Tortellini ready
4) At this point, when the broth starts to boil, put the tortellini on the  the stock pot with broth. 
Tortellini cooks for a maximum 4 minutes!
They are extracted from the broth with the help of a slotted spoon.
For a fantastic broth for these tortellini, check out my beef broth recipe!♡

Buon Appetito!

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