Fried Courgette Flowers

Fried Courgette Flowers
-Courgette flowers
-1 plate of flour
-1 glass of sparkling water or beer
-fry oil
1) Wash and separate the flowers from the courgettes. Remove the pistil from the flower (because it is the hard part of the flower).
2) In a deep dish with a flour, add the sparkling water or beer and 2 tablespoons of fine salt. Mix everything and let it rest for 10 minutes (so the flour absorbs the water).
flowers of courgette
flowers of courgette
separate the flowers from the courgette
separate the flowers from the courgette
dough for fry flowers
dough for fry flowers
dough for 10 minutes
dough for 10 minutes

4) Insert the courgette flower into the prepared mixture, let it drip a little then put it in the already hot oil. Fry on both sides of the flower.

drain flowers
drip flowers
Fry flowers
Fry flowers

5) Once fried, place them on a plate with absorbent kitchen paper.

Buon Appetito!!

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