Meat Broth/Boiled Meat

Ingredients: -450g(15.87 oz) of beef -A quarter of a capon or hen -450g(15.87 oz) of beef bones with meat -200g(7.05 oz) of bovine bones -2 large tomatoes -2 stalks of celery -2 red onions (they give a nicer color to the broth than white onions) -3/4 carrots -3/4 potatoes -Some piece of Parmesan cheese -3 tablespoons of salt Preparation: 1) Fill an 3/4 a large pot with water and bring it to a boil. 2) Wash all the meat and all the vegetables. 3) The capon leg (or hen) is better to passed over a flame to burn any skins. 4) Put all the meat and bones in the saucepan over medium heat. 5) After a few minutes the foam of the meat will come to the surface and you will need to remove them with a slotted spoon and keeping the heat low.

6) Cook for 2 hours and half on a slow/low heat with the lid on. 7) At this point put all the vegetables in the pot. Add the salt. 8) Boil everything for another hour then put inside the Parmesan cheese rinds. 9) Boil for another hour and your meat broth is ready. 10) Before cooking any egg pasta, filter the broth with a sieve stainer.

Any type of egg pasta can be cooked in the broth.
Buon Appetito!!