Shortcrust pastry roses with Pesto Barilla

Shortcrust pastry roses with Pesto Barilla


-1 Rectangular puff pastry

-1 Jar of Barilla pesto

1) On a lightly floured work surface, roll out the puff pastry with a rolling pin and cut out circles with a glass.
2) Match 3 circles and cover them with pesto.
3) With the back of a knife, fold a quarter of the dough and then roll it up.
circles with a glass
circles with a glass
cover them with pesto Barilla
cover them with pesto Barilla
fold a quarter of the dough
fold a quarter of the dough
4) Put the roses inside a muffin pan.
5) Place the pan in the oven for 20 minutes at 180°C(356°F).
roses inside a muffin pan
roses inside a muffin pan
cook for 20 minutes
cook for 20 minutes

Buon Appetito!!

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