Stuffed Squid and Cuttlefish

Stuffed Squid and Cuttlefish
-400g of cuttlefish
-400g of squid
-200g of grated bread
-2 cloves of garlic
-1 glass of water 
-1 glass of white wine
-the juice of 1 lemon
-200g farina
-extra virgin olive oil
-salt, pepper

1) Wash and detach the tentacles of cuttlefish and squid.
2) Chop the tentacles of squid and cuttlefish with a knife.
3) Chop the garlic and parsley.
4) Combine the tentacles, the breadcrumbs, 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper in a bowl.
4) Mix until the dough becomes homogeneous.
5) Fill the cuttlefish and squid with the mixture and close each cuttlefish and squid with a toothpick.
Chop the tentacles
Chop the tentacles
dough+tentacles squid/cuttlefish
dough+tentacles squid/cuttlefish
5) Flour the cuttlefish and squid.
6) Put 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in a pan and cook over medium/high heat for 2 minutes on each side.
7) Add half a glass of water and half a glass of white wine and cover with a lid.
8) After 5 minutes, turn the fish again and add another half glass of water and half a glass of wine and cover.
9) After 10 minutes remove the lid, turn off the heat and add the juice of 1 squeezed lemon. Serve.
Flour the cuttlefish and squid
Flour the cuttlefish and squid
cook squid+cuttlefish medium/high heat
cook squid+cuttlefish medium/high heat

Buon Appetito!!

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