Red Velvet Roll

Red Velvet Roll
Ingredients for the biscuit dough:
-4 eggs
-80g(2.82 oz) sugar
-40g(1.41 oz) flour
-flakes of dark chocolate
-5g(0.18 oz) bitter cocoa powder
-1 teaspoon of red dye

Ingredients for the cream:
-350g(12.35 oz) of fresh cheese (such as mascarpone, ricotta)
-50g(1.76 oz) vanilla powdered sugar
-seeds from half a vanilla pod

1) First prepare the biscuit dough, putting the eggs and sugar in a planetary mixer. Let it blend until it becomes foamy. Add the red dye. Blend until you get a swollen and frothy mixture.
2) Sift the cocoa and flour in the planetary mixer. Blend.
Mix eggs
Mix eggs
Sift the cocoa and flour
Sift the cocoa and flour
3) Line a baking tray with parchment paper and gently spread the frothy mixture on top.
4) Bake in the oven at 180°C for 12 minutes.
5) Remove from the oven and leave to cool.
6) Once cooled, gently remove the cookie dough from the baking paper and spread it on another paper.
Velvet x oven
Velvet x oven
Velvet dough
Velvet dough
7) Let's prepare the cream. Put the cream (ricotta), the cream, the vanilla icing sugar, the flaked chocolate in a bowl and mix with the mixer.
8) Spread the cream obtained on the cooked velvet dough.
9) Roll the biscuit on itself without pressing too much. Put in the fridge.
10) After a few hours, remove the rolled biscuit from the oven and season it as desired. Cut it into slices and serve!

Cream + vanilla + flaked ciocolate
Cream + vanilla + flaked ciocolate
cooked velvet dough+cream
cooked velvet dough+cream
Roll the biscuit on itself
Roll the biscuit on itself

Buon Appetito!!

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