Bresaola with rocket

Bresaola with rocket

Ingredients for 1 person:

-100g(3.52 oz) bresaola

-50g(1.76 oz) rocket

-30g(1.05 oz) Parmesan cheese in flakes

– extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice


1) Arrange the slices of bresaola on a large plate.
2) Put the rocket on top of the bresaola slices.
3) Cut the Parmesan cheese into flakes with the help of a potato peeler.
4) Cover everything with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, pepper and the juice of a quarter of a lemon.
Bresaola +r rocket
Bresaola +r rocket
Parmesan cheese flakes + rocket + bresaola
Parmesan cheese flakes + rocket + bresaola

Buon Appetito!!

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