Savory Crown of Vegetables

Savory Crown of Vegetables


-1 round puff pastry

-1 courgette

-10 cherry tomatoes

-50g (1.76 oz) of “Feta” cheese

– half a glass of pine nuts

– 1 yolk with half a spoonful of milk

-extra virgin olive oil

1) Lightly toast the pine nuts in the oven or in a pan.
2) Wash the courgette and cherry tomatoes.
3) With a potato peeler cut the courgette all around until you get to the seeds.
4) Cut the cherry tomatoes into small pieces.
5) Roll out the pastry. Make an imprint with a plate, then cut the wedges inside with a washer.
6) Spread everything with the yolk.
7) Put the pastry in a round baking pan and put the pine nuts on the round part.
strip courgette - cherry tomatoes - Feta
strip courgette – cherry tomatoes – Feta
pastry imprint
pastry imprint
pine nuts
pine nuts
8) Add the courgettes, the cherry tomatoes and crumble the "Feta" cheese, finally add a drizzle of oil on top.
9) Cover the crown with the cut cloves and then spread with the yolk. If you wish, you could sprinkle some sesame seeds on top.
10) Bake for 25 minutes at 180°C(380°F).
pastry - courgette - Feta
pastry – courgette – Feta
crow pastry
crow pastry
Pastry crow oven
Pastry crow oven
Spectacular, it can be served as an appetizer, side dish, hot or cold!
Buon Appetito!!

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