
I think this fantastic Italian dessert, I've made hundreds of times with many variations (chocolate, strawberries...), today I'm trying to prepare the most classic one possible :-) Ingredients: -250g(8.82 oz) of mascarpone -250g(8.82 oz) of fresh whipping cream -3 yolks -250g(8.82 oz) of ladyfingers -1 large cup of coffee -2 tablespoons of milk -100g(3.52 oz) of vanilla icing sugar -2 tablespoon of sugar
Preparation: 1) Make coffee with the coffee machine or mocha, put 1 tablespoon of sugar and 2 tablespoons of milk. Let cool. 2) In a bowl, whip the fresh cream with a blender at maximum speed. When it has already become full-bodied, add the icing sugar and mix a little more. 3) In another bowl put the mascarpone, the egg yolks and 3 tablespoons of sugar. Mix everything. Add the contents to this bowl with the whipped cream and mix gently.

4) Soak the ladyfingers in the bowl with the coffee, immerse the ladyfingers for 3 seconds on each side and then place them in a glass container. 5) Place the mascarpone cream on top of the ladyfingers layer. 6) Dip other ladyfingers in the latte, put them on top of the mascarpone and then cover them with mascarpone. 7) Put the bowl in the fridge for at least 2 hours before serving. It can also be put in the freezer. Before serving, sprinkle bitter cocoa or chocolate drops on top of the tiramisu.

Buon Appetito!!