Tagliatelle al ragù

Tagliatelle al ragù

Ingredients for 4 people:

-480g(16.16 oz) of flour

-5 eggs

1) In a large saucepan, boil water over medium-low heat.
2) Put the flour and eggs in a bowl. Initially mix with a fork then proceeded with your hands.
3) On a very large chopping board, roll out the dough with the help of a rolling pin. When the dough has reached a thickness of 1/2 mm, sprinkle some flour on top and let it rest for 10/15 minutes.
4) On the long side, start rolling up the dough on itself.
flour + eggs
flour + eggs
rolling up the dough
rolling up the dough
5) Once all the dough has been rolled up, cut the dough into slices.
6) Spread the pastry on 2 cutting boards, unrolling it.
7) Let it rest.
8) When the water boils, put 2 tablespoons of coarse salt and then put the slices a little at a time.
9) Boil the tagliatelle for 4/5 minutes and then drain everything in a colander.
10) In a large baking dish, first put a little butter and some ragù then add the tagliatelle and then a lot more ragù (see my recipe for ragù).
dough into slices
dough into slices
unrolling dough
unrolling dough
tagliatelle + ragù
tagliatelle + ragù

Buon Appetito!!

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