Cuttlefish with Peas

Cuttlefish with Peas


-900g cuttlefish

-400g of peas

-400g of tomato puree

-1 glass of white wine

-1 large onion

-salt and pepper

extra virgin olive oil

– 1 glass of vegetable broth

1) Wash and clean the cuttlefish by removing the eyes and mouth, then cut them into strips.
2) Stew the onion, cooking over low heat 8 tablespoons of oil and 1 glass of water. Cooked over low heat until the onion becomes transparent.
3) Add the cuttlefish cut into strips to the onion and cook over high heat until their water has evaporated.
4) Add the wine. Cook over medium heat until the alcohol evaporates (about 5 minutes).
Ingredients for Cuttlefish with Peas
Ingredients for Cuttlefish with Peas
strips cuttlefish
strips cuttlefish
cuttlefish + wine
cuttlefish + wine

5) Add the peas and tomato puree and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat, possibly adding a little water at the end of cooking.

It is advisable to serve it with a good red wine, but also with a white wine in the absence of a red one (like me :-)).

Cuttlefish + peas
Cuttlefish + peas
peas + tomate puree
peas + tomate puree

Buon Appetito!!

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