Cupcakes – Frosting

Cupcakes – Frosting

For me … it is one of the best American desserts!!

ll ingredients must be at room temperature (not from the fridge)

Ingredients for 12 Cupcakes:

-120g(4.23 oz) of butter

-120g(4.23 oz) of flour

-120g(4.23 oz) of sugar

-3 medium eggs

-1 teaspoon of vanilla essence

-2g(0.7 oz) of baking powder

-1 pinch of fine salt

Ingredients for frosting:

300g(10.58 oz) of icing sugar

-150g(5.29 oz) of butter

-1 teaspoon of vanilla essence

-1 tablespoon of whole milk

Preparation of the cupcakes:

1) Pour the butter, sugar and vanilla essence into a bowl. Assemble everything with medium speed bits. 2) Then add one egg at a time to the mixture, continuing to mix.

3) Sift flour and yeast into the bowl. Mix well with a spatula and the mixture is ready.

butter, sugar and vanilla essence
butter, sugar and vanilla essence
add eggs
add eggs
Sift flour
Sift flour

4) Fill the cups and place them in a muffin pan. Fill each mold with approximately 40g(1.41 oz) of dough.

5) Bang the pan several times to even out the surface.

6) Cook in a hot oven at 180°C(680°F) for 25 minutes. Once cooked, let them cool.

Mix with spatula
Mix with spatula
oven at 180°C
oven at 180°C
Cupcake ready
Cupcake ready

Preparation of the frosting:

1) Mix the butter with half the amount of icing sugar, milk and vanilla essence. Whip everything until everything becomes homogeneous.

2) Gradually add the remaining icing sugar one spoonful at a time.

3) Transfer everything into a sac-à-poche.

4) Garnish the cupcakes.

section of Cupcakes
section of Cupcakes

Buon Appetito!!

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