​Eggless Cake with Mascarpone and Nutella

​Eggless Cake with Mascarpone and Nutella

A fantastic eggless cake, simple and super tasty.

-200g(7.05 oz) of flour
-75g(2.82 oz) of bitter cocoa
-200g(7.05 oz) of sugar
-200g(7.05 oz) of mascarpone
-1 glass of Nutella
-300g(10.58 oz) of milk
-butter and flour to flour the cake tin

-1 sachet of yeast

1) Place the flour, sugar, bitter cocoa and yeast in a bowl. Mix everything together.
2) A little at a time add the milk and continue mixing, eventually obtaining a homogeneous mixture.
3) In a springform cake tin, pass the butter and then the flour along the sides.

flour, sugar, bitter cocoa and yeast
flour, sugar, bitter cocoa and yeast
flour, sugar, bitter cocoa and yeast mix
flour, sugar, bitter cocoa and yeast mix
pass the butter and then the flour
pass the butter and then the flour

4) Place the mixture in the cake tin and bake for 25 minutes at 180°C (356°F).
5) When the cake is cooked, let it cool, remove it from the pan by opening the zip.

add milk
add milk
cake before baking
cake before baking
cake after baking
cake after baking

6) Place the cake on a workbench, cut it in half lengthwise and then separate the 2 parts.
7) In a bowl, mix and work the mascarpone with the Nutella.

Nutella e Mascarpone
Nutella e Mascarpone
mix Nutella e Mascarpone
mix Nutella e Mascarpone
Cut the cake in half
Cut the cake in half

8) Spread the contents of the creams over a slice of cake then delicately place the other slice on top.
9) Sprinkle vanilla icing sugar over the cake.

Spread on half the cake
Spread on half the cake
Spread completely on half the cake
Spread completely on half the cake
Mascarpone and Nutella in the middle of the cake
Mascarpone and Nutella in the middle of the cake

Buon Appetito!!

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