Roasted lamb with potatoes

Baked lamb with potatoes I usually make it for Easter, but since it’s so good, I make it more than once a year. To have a tasty lamb you need to put it in brine the day before, in a large bowl with water that covers all the lamb meat and with some spices, salt and vinegar. The next day, rinse everything and season with meat seasoning. Once the meat lamb has been seasoned on both sides, place it on a baking tray and add a little extra virgin olive oil. Cover the pans with foil and place in the oven at medium-high temperature for about an hour.

Peel, wash and cut the potatoes into pieces. Place them in a baking pan and season with salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil. After an hour that the lamb was in the oven, turn it over to the other side and put it back in the oven, still covered with foil. Also place the pan with the potatoes in the oven. Always cook everything over medium-high heat. After about 40 minutes, remove the foil, sprinkle some wine and put back in the oven for another 30 minutes. Check every now and then that it doesn’t burn by turning everything and above all check that the potatoes are cooked.

When everything is cooked, serve it by placing the pieces of lamb on the sides of the serving dish, leaving space in the center to place the potatoes.
Buon Appetito!!