Crepes with spinach

Crepes can be made savory or sweet. I usually make them sweet stuffed with jam or Nutella, this time I chose to make them savory, that is, I simply didn't put sugar in the crepe dough. So if you already have the spinach ready we can proceed with making the crepes (8). We put 250g(8.82 oz) of flour and 3 eggs in a bowl, mix and then add 500ml(17.63 oz) of whole milk a little at a time and mix with a whisk.

At this point, cook the crepes: put a drizzle of oil in a pan and then add half a ladle of the crepe liquid. we cook the crepes on both sides (it takes just a few minutes until they firm up and brown) and then we put them one on top of the other on a plate.
Mix the spinach with a spreadable cheese or ricotta.

Spread on each crepe with the spinach mixture and then roll the crepes.
In an ovenproof dish, place a few pieces of butter on the bottom, then add your rolled crepes, sprinkle some grated Parmesan cheese and a few pieces of butter on top.
Bake at medium high temperature for 20 minutes.
If you like it a little crunchy, activate the oven grill on top for 2 minutes
Your savory crepes will be very welcome if served hot.

Buon Appetito!!