Exquisite appetizer with frankfurters

Exquisite appetizer with frankfurters
An easy to make and very tasty appetizer.
Take a rectangular puff pastry, unroll it and spread tomato puree on top. Just put some pastry on top and add some fete cheese, then place the other half of the pastry on top.
spread the tomato puree
spread the tomato puree
cover half of the pastry with cheese
cover half of the pastry with cheese
cover the cheese with the other half of the pastry
cover the cheese with the other half of the pastry

Cut out squares very carefully, without pushing on the dough. Using a pastry cutter, shape on top, then add the frankfurter cut into rounds and some grated cheese on top. Bake for 20 minutes at medium high temperature. Once cooked, let cool then serve. You will make a great impression!!

pastry cutter
pastry cutter
add the frankfurter
add the frankfurter
appetizers with frankfurters
appetizers with frankfurters

Buon Appetito!!

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