Yellow-green comb macaroni with tomato and ricotta

Yellow-green comb macaroni with tomato and ricotta

This type of pasta is versatile with many toppings, this time I chose tomato and ricotta. First you boil the water for the pasta, then you fry an onion. Once the onion is browned, add the tomato puree.

the onion is browned
the onion is browned
tomato puree
tomato puree

Add a little salt and then add the ricotta over the tomato puree. Mix everything and cook for 2 minutes and then turn off. Cook the Dallari pasta, drain it and then season it with our sauce. After serving, add a little parmesan on top.

tomato puree and ricotta
tomato puree and ricotta
mix of tomato puree and ricotta
mix of tomato puree and ricotta
macaroni with tomato and ricotta
macaroni with tomato and ricotta

Buon Appetito!!

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