Turkey breast cutlet

Turkey breast cutlet

There is nothing quicker, more genuine and better than a turkey breast cutlet, everyone at my house likes it… and at yours? As always, I first rinse the turkey breast under running cold water, then pat it dry with absorbent kitchen paper. In a deep dish I put 3 eggs, salt, pepper and a little milk (for those who love soft cutlets). In another deep dish I simply put the breadcrumbs. First of all, I coat the slices of turkey breast in breadcrumbs, then in eggs with milk and then again in breadcrumbs.

rinsed turkey breast
rinsed turkey breast
first pass in breadcrumbs
first pass in breadcrumbs
second step in the beaten egg
second step in the beaten egg

After dipping the turkey breast in the egg, coat it in the breadcrumbs and then place it on a flat plate. In a large pan, add a little vegetable oil and then add your turkey cutlets. Cook them on both sides and then place them on a plate with absorbent kitchen paper, in this way the excess cooking oil will be absorbed. Serve preferably accompanied by fresh seasonal vegetables.

third pass again in the breadcrumbs
third pass again in the breadcrumbs
cook the turkey breast on both sides
cook the turkey breast on both sides
let the excess oil absorb
let the excess oil absorb

Buon Appetito!!

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