Baked snappers

Baked snappers

The best way for me to cook red snapper is cooked in the oven. First of all, the insides of the snapper are cleaned and then all the scales are removed and finally everything is washed. Take a baking tray, place the baking paper on top and then place the snappers on top, fill them with cherry tomatoes, capers, salt and pepper, or simply put some seasonings for the fish, sprinkle extra virgin olive oil everywhere and bake at medium high temperature for 50 minutes. A few minutes before the end of cooking, place a glass of white wine on top. Serve with sauces and potatoes.

clean snappers
clean snappers
cherry tomatoes, capers, salt and pepper
cherry tomatoes, capers, salt and pepper
bake the snappers
bake the snappers

Buon Appetito!!

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