Straccetti di pollo e lenticche (Chicken strips and lentils)

Let’s start by soaking the lentils at least 8 hours before cooking them. Change the water twice and above all it is important that the lentils remain covered in water. Start cooking the lentils, draining all the water and fry them in a little extra virgin olive oil together with a finely chopped onion. Separately, boil some vegetable broth which will be used to cook the lentils, adding a little every now and then. Cook the lentils together with the broth for about 30 minutes over low heat and with the lid on, stirring occasionally, the lentils must always. At the end of cooking, add 2 tablespoons of triple tomato concentrate, salt and pepper, cook for another 2 minutes, make sure that the broth has evaporated completely and then turn off the heat.

Now prepare the chicken by cutting it into strips and soaking them in milk for a few minutes, thus making the croquettes very tender. Dip the chicken strips individually first in the flour, in the egg beaten with salt and pepper and then in the breadcrumbs. I prefer to dip in the egg and breadcrumbs twice, they make more of a crust. Place the breaded chicken nuggets on a plate and then fry them on both sides. Once cooked, serve and add your ready-made lentils!

Buon Appetito!!