Month: March 2025

Spezzatino di vitello con patate (veal stew with potatoes)

Spezzatino di vitello con patate (veal stew with potatoes)

Typically I make veal stew with potatoes in the cold season, its aroma and heat warms the room. Like all stewed recipes, I prefer to cook them in a cast iron pot because the food cooks slowly and then tastes better to me. Clean 2 

Sfrappole di carnevale ripiene con marmellata di prugne (Carnival Sfrappole filled with plum jam)

Sfrappole di carnevale ripiene con marmellata di prugne (Carnival Sfrappole filled with plum jam)

Sfrappole are a typical carnival dessert in Italy, to be precise and the name it bears in Emiglia Romagna. I make classic sfrappole every year for Carnival, this year I decided to make them stuffed, I must admit… there is much more to do than 

Ravioli con spinaci e ricotta (Ravioli with spinach and ricotta)

Ravioli con spinaci e ricotta (Ravioli with spinach and ricotta)

You can also find ravioli with spinach and ricotta in refrigerator packaging in supermarkets, but I can guarantee you that the difference in flavor is enormous, especially if the ricotta and spinach are fresh. Let’s start by cooking the already washed spinach by placing it