Crostoli…Frappe… Sfrappole…Chiacchere

Crostoli…Frappe… Sfrappole…Chiacchere

Depending on the area where you go in Italy, they change names: corstoli, frape, sfrapole, chiacchere and are the typical fried desserts for carnival. They are delicious and easy to make and without yeast, it just takes patience! Today I propose the basic recipe for 

Super soft apple pie

Super soft apple pie

What can I say, a huge success every time I make this cake, it doesn’t make it to the end of the day. For this apple pie, if you follow my preparation procedure you will surely get compliments. Ingredients: -5 apples -140g(4.94 oz) of flour 

​Eggless Cake with Mascarpone and Nutella

​Eggless Cake with Mascarpone and Nutella

A fantastic eggless cake, simple and super tasty. Ingredients:-200g(7.05 oz) of flour-75g(2.82 oz) of bitter cocoa-200g(7.05 oz) of sugar-200g(7.05 oz) of mascarpone-1 glass of Nutella-300g(10.58 oz) of milk-butter and flour to flour the cake tin -1 sachet of yeast Preparation:1) Place the flour, sugar, bitter 

Sweets ravioli

Sweets ravioli

Ingredients for 42 ravioli: -400g(14.11 oz) of flour -200g(7.05 oz) of sugar -120g(4.50 oz) of butter -zest of half a lemon -1 sachet of baking powder -2 eggs -1 jar with plum jam -1 glass of Alchermes (red dessert liqueur) Preparation: 1) Place the flour, 



Pampapato is a typical Christmas dessert. I will present you the ancient/original version made in Ferrara (Emiglia Romagnia-Italy). Ingredients for 4 large dumplings: -1000g(35.27 oz) of flour -Yeast for 1000g of flour (2 sachets) -300g(10.58 oz) of water -250g(8.82 oz) bitter cocoa -500g(17.63 oz) pitted 

Cannoli with ricotta and chocolate chips

Cannoli with ricotta and chocolate chips

Today I made some very simple and good cannoli, to eat for breakfast or as a snack. Ingredients: -1 roll of rectangular puff pastry -200g(7.05 oz) of ricotta -3 tablespoons of sugar -1 yolk -2 tablespoons of chocolate chips -vanilla icing sugar -Lemon peel Preparation: 

Rose-shaped donut with ricotta

Rose-shaped donut with ricotta

A donut that is uniquely easy to make, simple and very versatile to taste with maple syrup or various jams such as home-made blueberry jam. Ideal to eat for breakfast, as a snack or simply as a dessert! Ingredients: -150g(5.29 oz) of flour -150g (5.29 

Soft apple biscuits

Soft apple biscuits

These biscuits are extremely easy to make and delicious. Good to eat for breakfast, or even as a snack (at school for kids). You know, we also want to talk about how genuine they are!! Ingredients (for 20 biscuits): -3 medium apples -2 eggs -100g(3.52 



This is one of the recipe from my childhood, it was part of my childhood breakfast. It’s simply a kind of homemade plum cake. I remember that my mother prepared it in the evening, and obviously greedy as I was, I couldn’t wait for breakfast… 

Cupcakes – Frosting

Cupcakes – Frosting

For me … it is one of the best American desserts!! ll ingredients must be at room temperature (not from the fridge) Ingredients for 12 Cupcakes: -120g(4.23 oz) of butter -120g(4.23 oz) of flour -120g(4.23 oz) of sugar -3 medium eggs -1 teaspoon of vanilla