Zucchini pancakes

Zucchini pancakes

Zucchini fritters are extremely easy to make and very tasty. Blend 4 zucchini then add 3 eggs, a cup of breadcrumbs, salt and pepper and mix everything. Make balls of the zucchini mixture, flatten them and then pass them onto a plate with some breadcrumbs, 

Crepes with spinach

Crepes with spinach

Crepes can be made savory or sweet. I usually make them sweet stuffed with jam or Nutella, this time I chose to make them savory, that is, I simply didn’t put sugar in the crepe dough. So if you already have the spinach ready we 

Boiled fresh spinach

Boiled fresh spinach

I was recently surprised to discover that quite a few people don’t know how to cook spinach. So I’ll reveal the simple, quick way to cook these iron-filled vegetables.First of all, wash the spinach if you don’t buy it already washed and place it in 

Delicious eggplants

Delicious eggplants

Tonight I cooked this simple, vegetarian and very tasty dish: aubergines with tomatoes and olives. First of all, wash and cut the eggplants into slices, sprinkle them with salt and let them rest for 20 minutes. This operation of leaving with salt is to remove 

Appetizer with pioppini mushrooms and truffle sauce

Appetizer with pioppini mushrooms and truffle sauce

Cut the roots of the mushrooms, cut the stems into small pieces and then wash them under running water and drain them in a colander. Place a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil in a pan and then fry chopped onion, carrot and celery. After 

An aubergine and two courgettes cooked in the air fryer

An aubergine and two courgettes cooked in the air fryer

Cooking vegetables in the air fryer is the easiest and fastest way to cook vegetables and they come out very tasty because they are cooked and look like they were grilled. All this happens in just twenty minutes! Ingredients: -1 aubergine -2 courgettes -salt, pepper 

Risotto with Radicchio and Taleggio

Risotto with Radicchio and Taleggio

This rice is very simple and tasty. The radicchio and taleggio give it a particular flavor from other risottos. Try it and see… Ingredients: -230g(8.11 oz) of rice (preferably parboiled) -1 medium radicchio -50g(1.76 oz) of taleggio cheese -50g(1.76 oz) parmesan -30g(1.05 oz) of butter 

Pasta with buffalo ricotta

Pasta with buffalo ricotta

The seasoning I used to make this pasta is very delicate and genuine. Children love it so much!Ingredients for 2 people: -250g(8.82 oz) of pasta -100g(3.52 oz) of buffalo ricotta -250g(8.82 oz) of tomato puree -half onion -20g(0.70 oz) butter -Parmesan cheese -salt and pepper 

Cappellacci of pumpkin with butter and sage

Cappellacci of pumpkin with butter and sage

Pumpkin cappellacci with butter and sage are of Emilian origin. To see how cappellacci are prepared, see: https://www.chefmamy.com/2023/05/03/cappellacci-with-ragu Ingredients: -Cappellacci with pumpkin -5-6 fresh sage leaves -30g(1.05 oz) of butter -Parmesan Preparation: 1) Place the fresh sage leaves and butter in a bowl. 2) Cook 

Chestnuts made in the Philips Air Fryer

Chestnuts made in the Philips Air Fryer

On St. Martin’s Day, in Italy there is the usual custom of making chestnuts. I usually bake them…but this time…surprise! You may be wondering why chestnuts are made in the air fryer? instead of in the oven or roasted chestnuts… well the answer is simple…