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Tuscan bread croutons with avocado and prawns

Tuscan bread croutons with avocado and prawns

Tuscan bread is famous for its lack of salt inside and is therefore very versatile when combined with various delicacies. I prepared a cream with avocado: I peeled and pitted the avocado, then I put it in a bowl and added a pinch of salt 

Rabbit Thighs with Peas

Rabbit Thighs with Peas

Today I made rabbit thighs with peas, it takes about an hour to cook, but it’s simple to do. I treat the rabbit meat like lamb, I cure it for a few hours before cooking it. I start by frying a chopped onion and when 

Stuffed courgettes with ragù

Stuffed courgettes with ragù

For me it’s a quick and easy way to cook courgettes, all you need is a little ragù, grated bread, 1 egg, salt, pepper and that’s it. First of all, wash the courgettes, cut them in half and then with the help of a spoon, 

Tart with 4 jams

Tart with 4 jams

Ingredients for the tart dough: -200g (7,054 oz) of butter at room temperature-100g (3,52 oz) of sugar-300g (10,58 oz) of flour– a few drops of vanilla essence– 1 eggPut all the ingredients in a blender and blend until everything has blended, you will obtain a 

Sausage with cabbage

Sausage with cabbage

Sausage with cabbage is very easy to make, it takes just a few ingredients and can be cooked in a short time. For this type of recipe you can use any type of sausage, pork, veal, turkey, chicken. First of all, cut an onion and 

Baked snappers

Baked snappers

The best way for me to cook red snapper is cooked in the oven. First of all, the insides of the snapper are cleaned and then all the scales are removed and finally everything is washed. Take a baking tray, place the baking paper on 

Stewed chicken legs with potatoes

Stewed chicken legs with potatoes

Chicken is divinely accompanied with potatoes, but we are usually used to chicken and fried potatoes, well I propose an equally good recipe but without frying…stewed chicken with potatoes. I usually make this type of stewed meat with beef or game meat, I can guarantee 

kohlrabi side dish

kohlrabi side dish

Kohlrabi can be eaten raw or steamed or boiled. Since it is summer I chose to prepare it raw. Kohlrabi contain carotenoids and histocyanates, other well-known antioxidants. Easy to prepare and in a very short time, a variation on the usual salad and above all 

Pork fillets wrapped in bacon

Pork fillets wrapped in bacon

There are many ways to cook pork fillet, this time I chose to make it very tasty and wrapped it in bacon. First rinse and remove any external fat from the pork fillets, add salt and pepper. Take the bacon slices and wrap them around 

Cavatelli di patate homemade (potato cavatelli) with tomato

Cavatelli di patate homemade (potato cavatelli) with tomato

Cavatelli di patate with tomato is a genuine, organic and very easy to make pasta dish.Start by washing the cherry tomatoes, I chose this type of cherry tomatoes because they are very tasty. After washing them, cut each cherry tomato with a pointed knife and