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Cotoletta alla Bolognese

Cotoletta alla Bolognese

I know that the Milanese cutlet is more famous but I can guarantee you that the Bolognese cutlet is much tastier.First, prepare all the necessary ingredients on the kitchen counter, that is, a plate with 2 cups of flour, a plate with 2 cups of 

Zucchini pancakes

Zucchini pancakes

Zucchini fritters are extremely easy to make and very tasty. Blend 4 zucchini then add 3 eggs, a cup of breadcrumbs, salt and pepper and mix everything. Make balls of the zucchini mixture, flatten them and then pass them onto a plate with some breadcrumbs, 

Exquisite appetizer with frankfurters

Exquisite appetizer with frankfurters

An easy to make and very tasty appetizer. Take a rectangular puff pastry, unroll it and spread tomato puree on top. Just put some pastry on top and add some fete cheese, then place the other half of the pastry on top. Cut out squares 

Crepes with spinach

Crepes with spinach

Crepes can be made savory or sweet. I usually make them sweet stuffed with jam or Nutella, this time I chose to make them savory, that is, I simply didn’t put sugar in the crepe dough. So if you already have the spinach ready we 

Boiled fresh spinach

Boiled fresh spinach

I was recently surprised to discover that quite a few people don’t know how to cook spinach. So I’ll reveal the simple, quick way to cook these iron-filled vegetables.First of all, wash the spinach if you don’t buy it already washed and place it in 

Stewed turkey meatballs

Stewed turkey meatballs

A quick, dietary and simple dish as well as being tasty.Fry an onion for a few minutes and then add the turkey meatballs, brown on all sides. When they begin to be almost cooked, add tomato puree, wine, salt and pepper. Cook for another 20 

Delicious eggplants

Delicious eggplants

Tonight I cooked this simple, vegetarian and very tasty dish: aubergines with tomatoes and olives. First of all, wash and cut the eggplants into slices, sprinkle them with salt and let them rest for 20 minutes. This operation of leaving with salt is to remove 

Sponge cake in a large pan

Sponge cake in a large pan

Take the 10 eggs at room temperature and then separate the whites from the yolks. Whip the egg whites with an electric whisk and add a pinch of salt and the seeds of a vanilla pod, whisk until the egg whites are nice and frothy. 

Baked mullets

Baked mullets

Red mullets are rich in omega 3, very tasty, easy to cook and if you remove the bones, even the most picky children will eat them :-)!Start by removing all the mullet innards and scallops, wash them and pat them dry with absorbent paper. Place 

Puff pastry croissant with herb cream and salmon

Puff pastry croissant with herb cream and salmon

I think it’s a fantastic appetizer for when you have a fish dinner. Start by unrolling the round puff pastry. Spread some herb cream on top and then lay the salmon slices on top. With the help of a pizza cutter, cut the dough into