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Baked mullets

Baked mullets

Red mullets are rich in omega 3, very tasty, easy to cook and if you remove the bones, even the most picky children will eat them :-)!Start by removing all the mullet innards and scallops, wash them and pat them dry with absorbent paper. Place 

Puff pastry croissant with herb cream and salmon

Puff pastry croissant with herb cream and salmon

I think it’s a fantastic appetizer for when you have a fish dinner. Start by unrolling the round puff pastry. Spread some herb cream on top and then lay the salmon slices on top. With the help of a pizza cutter, cut the dough into 

Cod with tomato

Cod with tomato

Cod with Livornese-style tomato is a typical winter dish. I usually accompany it with polenta. The cod is bought completely covered in coarse salt, so it is advisable to wash all the pieces of salt and place them in a bowl with water for at 

Appetizer with pioppini mushrooms and truffle sauce

Appetizer with pioppini mushrooms and truffle sauce

Cut the roots of the mushrooms, cut the stems into small pieces and then wash them under running water and drain them in a colander. Place a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil in a pan and then fry chopped onion, carrot and celery. After 

Baked black cuttlefish

Baked black cuttlefish

Black cuttlefish have the characteristic of having a sack with black ink inside, which this ink is usually used to make fantastic risottos. sorry, I can never save it… it always breaks! I hope you are luckier. First start washing and cleaning the cuttlefish by 

Rice with salami paste and asparagus

Rice with salami paste and asparagus

A fantastic risotto, very tasty, simple to make…and then to think that asparagus has the function of purifying the blood!! wow…a beneficial and delicious dish I would say 🙂 Let’s start by cutting the asparagus, personally I cut them while they are still joined with 

Tuna and swordfish with pesto in a pan

Tuna and swordfish with pesto in a pan

I usually have a hard time convincing my daughters to eat fish, this time I found a way to trick them. I have to say that my idea worked great! An easy delicious recipe. Season the fish with the fish flavourings, if you haven’t chopped 

Tagliatelle with guinea fowl ragù

Tagliatelle with guinea fowl ragù

A different way to season Tagliatelle is with guinea fowl ragù, using minced guinea fowl. Start by preparing the sauce for ragù with 2 onions, 1 carrot and a stalk of celery. Put a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil in a pan and then 

Baked goat kid

Baked goat kid

Kid goat is much more delicate in comparison to the flavor of lamb. The preparation and cooking procedure does not vary. First of all, wash the goat kid well, that is, be very careful to remove the residue of the skin which may look like 

Potato nests with ham and quail eggs

Potato nests with ham and quail eggs

These potato nests are very simple to make and are fantastic to serve as an appetizer. Ingredients for 12 baskets of potatoes:-6 medium potatoes -2 chicken eggs -12 quail eggs -100g(3.52 oz) of raw ham -100g(3.52 oz) of ementhal cheese -half a teaspoon of turmeric